
Bailando Caporales Yo Me Conoci


It's been a while since I've posted on this blog...but I wish to give my readers a big virtual hug and I hope everything has been well! And if it hasn't - it's okay, because we all have our ups and downs but there's always a way to stand up after we fall. I've acquired a new hobby that I've been longing to do for a long time, and after several years of being too shy to do so, I finally did it and it has CHANGED MY LIFE! 

As a first-generation American born and raised in Queens, NY, I've always felt a deep connection to my Peruvian heritage. For the past three years, my journey as a folkloric Peruvian dancer, specializing in Caporales, has been nothing short of transformative. This experience has opened my eyes to the vibrant and diverse Peruvian immigrant communities across New York and New Jersey, revealing a beautiful tapestry of shared culture and identity.

What strikes me most is how dance brings together Peruvians from all walks of life. Whether it's fellow Peruvian-Americans like myself, those who immigrated at a young age, or recent arrivals, we all share a common desire: to stay connected to our roots. Through Caporales, we've found a powerful way to express our heritage and keep our Peruvian identity alive in a new land.

Every performance is more than just a dance; it's a representation of the towns in Peru where Caporales is cherished. As we move to the rhythm, we're not just entertaining – we're embodying the passion and traditions of our ancestors. This connection to our homeland is palpable, creating a bridge between our lives here and our cultural origins.

But it's not just about the dance. Our gatherings are a celebration of all things Peruvian. We share stories in our native Spanish, savoring the familiar sounds of home. We indulge in traditional Peruvian cuisine, each bite a reminder of family gatherings and childhood memories. Our customs and traditions, preserved and practiced, become a living link to Peru.

These experiences have shown me the incredible resilience and unity of immigrant communities. Despite the challenges of adapting to a new country, we've created a home away from home. Through dance, language, food, and shared experiences, we've built a community that honors our past while embracing our present.

As I continue my journey in Caporales, I'm filled with pride and gratitude. Pride in my Peruvian heritage, and gratitude for this beautiful community that keeps our culture thriving across generations and borders. In every step and every beat, we dance not just for ourselves, but for the spirit of Peru that lives on in each of us. This dance has changed my life, changed me...BAILANDO CAPORALES YO ME CONOCI.


Hoy Es El Dia

 Buenas noches a todos,

Today is the day...hoy es el día. I've been my father's soccer watching companion for as long as I can remember, my earliest memory being the 1998 World Cup in France. Through soccer we've created a special bond that's so dear to me and that I'm sure many of you can relate to. That's the beauty of soccer, it's power to unite and instantly turn your day from a bad one to the best one in a manner of seconds. It's power to make us feel home despite being thousands of miles away. 

Just like the Peruvians at home, we've suffered through the lows like when Peru missed the World Cup in 1997 by a difference of one goal and screamed our hearts in the highs like when Peru tied the Argentina game in 2010 in the last few minutes, a game they didn't deserve to lose.

Right now Peruvians all over the world are all united, with butterflies in our stomachs thinking about this paramount game.  A game that can bring us back to the world cup after 35 years. Win or lose I know I will fall into my father's arms with tears in my eyes of happiness. Of happiness of all the wonderful moments this soccer team has brought us and the immense pride we have to wear the Blanquirroja today.

Que viva el Peru carajo!

Buenas noches a todos,

Hoy es el día que todos hemos esperado. Desde pequeña he sido la que acompañaba a mi papá por las mañanas para ver partidos de fútbol, como una fiel hincha. Mis recuerdos más tempranas son la de la Copa Mundial de Francia de 1998. A través del fútbol mi papá y yo hemos creado una relación muy cercana y especial para mi, y esa es la belleza del fútbol, su poder para unir y instantáneamente cambiar tu día de uno malo a uno bueno en solo unos segundos. Su poder de hacerme sentir en Perú aunque este miles de millas de distancia.

Igual a los Peruanos en casa, nosotros también hemos sufrido cuando perdimos la clasificación al mundial del 1998 por una diferencia de un gol. Y también hemos llorado de la emoción cuando Peru hizo un gol en el último minuto empatando a Argentina en el 2010, un partido que no merecimos perder. 

Hoy Peruanos en todo el mundo estamos unido, no importa en qué partes del mundo estemos. Con mariposas en el estomago y con un nudo en la garganta pensando en este partido tan decisivo. El partido que nos podría regresar a un mundial después de 35 años. Ganen o pierdan, se que está noche con lágrimas en los ojos abrazare a mi padre de felicidad. De felicidad de todos los grandes momentos que nos ha brindado este equipo y con inmenso orgullo de vestir la blanquirroja nuevamente. 

Que viva el Peru carajo!


Mis Guerreros!

¿ Imaynalla kachkanki?

Yes, I have been MIA from my beloved blog and readers but I have a pretty good excuse, I got a new job over the summer that has been taking up most of mental energy and well in terms of physical energy, I've become immersed in different activities that have kept me exhausted. I decided to try kickboxing and I ended up loving it more than I imagined, it's an amazing way to get in shape and let out all that stress! I've also decided to try Colombian salsa and Brazilian samba classes after contemplating it for a while and they're both dances that require very quick feet movement. These are all things that bring me immense happiness and I've lately just been doing things that bring value to my life. No one will care or push you through your internal fears more than YOURSELF so always remember, to TREAT YO' SELF!

On that note, my blog has always been in the back of my mind, and now more than ever with what's been going on in the past few weeks with DACA. You guys are going through a difficult time and I would like to share a quote to anyone going through difficult times:

Tough times don't last, tough people DO
- Robert H. Schuller

Life in general, the life of an immigrant and being part of an immigrant family is one filled with many obstacles but think about all that we've gone through until this moment. Find strength in all the times you 've pushed yourself through the lows of your life and overcame them. You know what is something we all have grasped from these painful experiences? We. get. through. them. Fate puts these experiences in our lives to make us stronger and wiser...guerreros, warriors.

This may sound cliche but my parents are my heroes. When I'm in a situation where everything just seems dark and it's impossible to get out, I think of all that my parents have done to get to where they are now. Our parents didn't have the option to say "It's impossible" when they got here, there was no turning back. These experiences gave us the thick skin and perseverent mindsets that have made us unstoppable.

Achieving a dream never comes easy, and for those who do have DACA and for those that didn't qualify, the path is not as smooth and filled with bumps along the road, but never lose faith and get to the finish line. The plan you originally had may not work but change the plan, not the goal.

If you need anyone to talk to for some uplifting, I without a doubt am all ears and you can email me or send me a message through my instagram; kay_monge

Also, application fees are very expensive ($495) and by going to Undocumedia's page you can help sponsor a DACA beneficiary!
To donate, click here
And to see what other ways you can support the #HeretoStay efforts, click here 

With much love and support,

-The Chic Engiruvian


Peru & Colombia Need You

Rimaykullayki everyone,

I hope everyone's been having a productive and not so stressful week so far, and if you are, you got this! In NYC its been raining a lot these past few days which is normal during this time of the year but in Peru and Colombia, its been raining more than usual. Due to global warming and the cycle of El Niño, countries like Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru have been suffering from heavy rains that have lead to flooding and mudslides. In Peru we refer to these effects as huaicos and while our April showers are bringing May flowers, the torrential rains in these countries have been devastating, killing hundreds of people and leaving thousands upon thousands of families homeless with no food or water and susceptible to diseases. This is the worst Peru and Colombia have experienced in terms of natural disasters in many years and both governments didn't expect and weren't ready for the level of damage these huaicos have left. 

 Every morning for the past few weeks I've been following what's been going on in the northern part of Peru, the one most affected by the huaicos. Cities like Piura, Lambayeque, Trujillo and districts like Chosica that are near rivers have been greatly affected and the floods have brought diseases from the carcasses of animals in the roads which puts those living on the streets in greater danger. In terms of numbers, almost 1 million citizens have been affected by these huaicos, leaving over 130,000 homeless and about 100 dead. Through all the pain, there have been beautiful acts of humanity that have inspired the entire nation.

Edgar Humberto Álvarez. the Colombian artist of this inspiring work.
On Sunday, Mocoa, a city in the southern part of Colombia near the borders of Peru and Ecuador, suffered from heavy rains that led to a huge landslide of mud that has left over 250 dead so far. Half the city of Mocoa was affected, leaving thousands without a home, damaged infrastructures, no access to electricity, gas, telephone, and sadly, many looking for loved ones. This tragedy happened quickly and unexpectedly which is why there's many missing now. 

Mocoa, Colombia

It's heartbreaking to see so many suffering and I know it's sometimes difficult to figure out how one can help being far away. I've been reading and talking to family in Peru and a friend from Colombia on how we can help. Here are a few of the best options I've come to find:

  • If you have family or a very close friend you trust in either Peru or Colombia (or both) you can send them money to buy food, clothes, water, medicine, etc to help out. My mother and I did this 2 weeks ago and through Whatsapp my aunt (Tia Eli who is such a sweetheart 💓) showed us the things she bought. That weekend she went with some friends to go help distribute the items, so we have that joy in our hearts to know that these things have gone directly to the hands of those who need it the MOST.
  • Buffet Peruano Benefico, on Sunday April 9th, from 12-5:30 PM the restaurant Jalea Peruvian Cuisine in Hicksville, NY will be donating all their proceeds from this buffet. There will also be entertainment. Tickets for Adults will be $30 and for Children, $10.  
  • Desde Lejos, Contigo Peru!: Recaudor de Fondos, on Saturday April 29th, from 1- 6 PM there will be a dance with many Peruvian artists in which all the money will be going to the damnificados. This will take place in la Iglesia San Bartolome in Elmhurst, NY. 
  • Marathon Unidos Por El Peru, on Sunday April 30th from 12 PM at La Boom in Woodside, NY where the donation fee will be $10.00.
  • Consulado Colombiano en New York on Sunday April 9th from 3-9 PM the embassy in NYC will have artists, music and delicious Colombian food in which donations will be received for those affected from the Mocoa natural disaster.

* There is still not many events here for the Mocoa tragedy considering that it happened recently. If I find more, I will be adding it to the list so check for updates.*

It is my hope that through this medium I inspire or motivate at least one person to go out and donate to these causes. Every little bit counts and every little bit can make a change.


Despues de cada derrota, comienza la reconstruccion. I know that these tragedies will result in stronger infrastructures and most importantly a stronger and more united nation. 🌄

Blessings to you all,
-The Chic Engiruvian 


How is it February already?!

Happy 2017 my lovelies!

This past month and a half has been filled with new changes that have taken time to adjust to and I really feel like I'm now in a position to get back on the blogging grind. Also the truth is that lately I haven't felt the inspiration to pour out my heart into this blog like I did last year and I didn't just want to write whatever for the sake of putting content into this blog. I have jotted down a list of things I plan to write about on this blog on my beloved bando 2017 planner for the next couple of months and I'm very excited!

Besides that, I will like to sort of update you on a few things I've been up to and share with you some of the things I did for:
- New Years which was one of the best thus far 🎆 (besides my Ano Nuevo in Peru)
- The going away party I planned for my sister who is studying abroad in Europe 🗺
- Some protests I attended (cause Immigrants Make America Great Again) 🗽, and
- A few pictures that I took yesterday for Valentine's Day 💖

New Years 2017

This was my first New Year's Eve that I spent away from my family and instead spent it alongside my boyfriend, his sister who came to visit from Los Angeles, and her best friend. His sister is friends with a DJ who's a party promoter for JunXion and they planned an incredible, one of a kind event! The party took place at the Paper Factory Hotel in LIC and the place was divided into different rooms that each had their own theme. There was an electrical Chinese dragon going around, aerialists, contortionists, body painters, drummers, and incredible performers that made the night memorable (sober or not).  Some of the people who attended came in costumes and you danced around fairies and even an astronaut! The place was filled with nothing but positive vibes and I highly recommend any of their other events, you can check out their events here.

Johanna's Going Away

My jojo bear is currently in the Netherlands studying for the Spring semester and to celebrate I decided to throw her a going away/ early 21st birthday party with the help of my mom and her two besties.  It was definitely not as easy as I thought since she's such a chismosa and I really didn't want her to even sense that there was any type of planning going on. I also don't know the majority of her friends and what type of food they will all like that is affordable yet delicious and presentable and I couldn't think of a better option than...PERUVIAN FOOD 😋. The place we went to is Mezquite Restaurant which has both Peruvian and Mexican plates, it's BYOB (yas!), and there's an Italian bakery AND awesome family owned liquor store across the street. It was difficult bringing her into the restaurant (did not expect that at all haha), but overall it all went great with the yummy food, moscatos, and the company of her great friends. Miss and love ya jojo.


It's been not even a month since the inauguration of...that person, and the country has literally gone haywire under the power of someone who is not even qualified to be president. As a first generation American, the order of the Muslim Ban ( which has thankfully been taken away) blew my mind not only as a human being, but as someone who lives in a strong Muslim community. Going to these protests gave me hope in the future of this country and that we do have an impact in what happens in this country. I've been told that going to these protests is a waste of time but history has shown that peaceful protesting not only increases the visibility of the cause but it demonstrates the power we the people have. Politicians and federal judges notice this and make the moves to go forward and make our voices heard.

Valentine's Day

Yesterday was literally the fastest I have ever gotten ready for a date.I got ready in less than an hour and anyone who truly knows me is probably shocked because I'm very well known for taking forever to get ready. My bf made a reservation at our favorite sushi spot for 8:00 pm and I got home at 6:45 pm!!! I still don't know how I managed to be ready by 7:35 pm but I did and I will be in awe from that achievement for a very long time haha. We ended up being in a food coma after underestimating their bento box but overall we had a great time laughing over random stuff and reminiscing on our past V-Day's experiences. So thankful for you. Also, shout out to the sushi restaurant with the sweetest waitresses, Aji Sushi House in Ditmars Blvd in Astoria, Queens.They were so busy yesterday yet were so accommodating to everyone and their food was bomb af 👌.

I will be posting a Peruvian goodies haul very soon!

Buenas noches and love always,

-The Chic Engiruvian 

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